Work Package lead: ÖGUT
Module design
Calculation Flow & Input/ Output Matrix
The module design is described in a tree-like calculation flow and a matrix specifying interactions with other sectors or modules.
Data & Assumptions
Industry stock database by EU country and ambition level definition
Overview of the data collected, gathered and presented. Metadata is also provided.
Timeline, KNIME flow and progress documentation
A timeline and a flow visualization of the programmed module have been created to show progress and compare implementation to the module design
Your feedback and comments are much appreciated, questions will be addressed rapidly.
Module design
Calculation tree
The scope of the module is to calculate the energy consumption and the C02 equivalent emissions in the industry sector.
The diagram below shows the calculation tree for the industry module in each European country. The calculation of the materials (steel, cement, chemicals, glass, paper, etc.) produced in each country is based on the new product demand (e.g. new cars, trucks, buildings, infrastructure, etc.) taking complex supply value chains into considerations. The energy demand and the emissions will also depend on the technologies in use and the fuel mix employed in the material production.
Inputs and Outputs Matrix
The inputs and outputs of the Industry sector are summarised below
Data & Assumptions
Abatement of energy consumption and C02 equivalent emissions in the industry module can be obtained by
- Switching to other materials (e.g. using more aluminum and less steel in cars)
- Reducing the material intensity (e.g. replacing common steel with high strength steel)
- Changing technology in the material production (e.g. using greener technology)
- Increasing energy efficiency of each technology
- Switching to green energy vectors in the material production (e.g. from fossil fuels to biomass)
- Using CCS to capture waste carbon dioxide
Each of the previous points will constitute a lever in our module with 4 levels ranging from a minimal to an extraordinarily ambitious effort to tackle climate change.
The timeline of the industry module is summarised in the figure below and highlights key milestones and expected outcomes.
Contact point
Contacts for questions about the data and module Hannes Warmuth –