UPDATE (2 May) Slides from the workshop now available on the EUCalc Transport module webpage: http://www.european-calculator.eu/building-transport/transport/
The next EUCalc expert consultation workshop will take place in Vienna on Thursday 19 April.
The workshop on “Scenarios for the decarbonization of transport in EU: the role of behaviour and technology” is part of the Transport module of the EUCalc, and will include a joint discussion on ambitious prospects for the European transport system, the scenarios and assumptions for transport technology and behaviour changes.
The calculator has a module based operation – modules represent different sectors of the economy, each with a set of levers, a pre-defined route for transition with four levels of ambitions to choose.
The format will be professionally facilitated discussion, for a joint discussion, we are going to circulate a preparatory material for registered participants.
The cooperation on the defined outcomes will continue after workshop with creation of network of relevant experts.
Key note speaker of the event will be Denise Pronk, Programme Manager for Corporate Responsibility, Royal Schiphol Group.
Registration is open upon invitation, to find out more see: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/expert-consultation-on-scenarios-for-the-decarbonization-of-transport-in-eu-tickets-43191023514?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=estw&utm-source=tw&utm-term=listing
For further information about the workshop or project in general, please contact Emily Taylor: et@climact.com.
The event is organised by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Climact ltd. and SEE Change Net