EUCalc is an EU-funded project that will build an innovative open source new model for a scientific underpinning of future CO2 emission scenarios and their societal, environmental and land use impacts. Halfway through the project, EUCalc launched the co-design workshop for the buildings module.
The workshop was part of the Energy Days of the Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), and took place in Bruxelles on Monday, 4 June 2018.
Participants from architecture to building automation, with a balanced weight of industry, science and policy, vividly discussed, questioned and evaluated the approach form diverse perspectives.
The workshop was framed by introductory presentations and highlighted by spark talks from the Commission and EuroACE representing the industry sector. The atmosphere was engaged with an attentively following audience that turned into a vibrantly interacting and exchanging group work. The word that most of the participants used to conclude the workshop was ‘complexity’, but the approach was considered to fit the needs to assess transition to a decarbonised building sector.
Relevant docs and presentations from the workshop can be found below:
- Pre-read document for the workshop EUCalc workshop-Pre-read (pdf, 1.4 MB)
- The Building module EUCalc_buildings_cocreation_building_module_pres_FINAL (pdf, 1.4 MB)
- EUCalc project and modelling approach EUCalc_buildings_cocreation_project_pres_FINAL (pdf, 812 KB)
- Presentation by Céline Carré, President of EuroACE 180604 Presentation Celine Carre Final (002) (pdf, 2 MB)